The industrial application technology of clean and efficient conversion of raw gas to ethylene glycol in the company has reached the international leading level


Recently, the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation organized a scientific and technological appraisal meeting to evaluate the "Industrial Application Technology for Clean and Efficient Conversion of Raw Gas to Ethylene Glycol" led by the Fifth Ring Road. It is believed that the technical indicators of this technology are advanced and have overall reached the international leading water level. This technology utilizes the by-product of raw coal gas to produce ethylene glycol chemical products, setting a precedent for the large-scale and high value-added utilization of blue coal tail gas. It breaks through the technical difficulties of industrial application of raw coal gas conversion to ethylene glycol and achieves coupling with synthesis gas to ethylene glycol technology for the first time. The world's first comprehensive utilization of raw coal gas with an annual output of 4 tons of ethylene glycol has been built, and the annual comprehensive utilization of raw coal gas is 2.86 billion Nm ³, Directly fixing 642500 tons of carbon, equivalent to 637000 tons of standard coal, can reduce costs by about 30% compared to using petroleum and coal as raw materials to produce ethylene glycol, achieving good environmental and economic benefits.